Pregnancy After Infertility and or Loss Survey

Pregnancy After Infertility and or Loss:

What was your experience?

Do those who are pregnant after infertility and or loss (PAIL), have unique emotional needs? What are they?

As a doula who specializes in PAIL, I believe they (we) do. These needs are not unique to the person giving birth to their biological child either: I’ve seen this in partners, same sex couples, mother’s who are carrying donor egg/ sperm/ embryo ,or while a surrogate is carrying their child. I’ve also seen this emotional journey happen once a family is matched with their (adoptive child’s) birth mother.

Understanding if indeed these needs are unique is important. It will only enable us to cope and manage these needs in a more comprehensive way, as well as in a proactive rather than reactive way. It will also enable those not experiencing them to understand them better.

I have created a survey that I plan to keep open to gather feedback along the way. The more people who take it, the more of an accurate representation we will get. If you have a few minutes, taking the survey would be most appreciated!

Thank you!!


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Desirae Whittle