Guess who's speaking at the 2020 InfertileAF Summit in Chicago?

I am so honored that I have been chosen to be a speaker at the 2020 InfertileAF Summit this year in Chicago.


Pregnancy After Infertility and Loss. I never would have guessed that going through something so incredibly difficult and isolating would bring me close to so many people. It’s not a secret that this is a topic near and dear to my heart. With good reason; this time is really tricky. While some experience nothing but joy along with the news of a pregnancy, others, including those in our community can often experience some emotional difficulties. I’m looking forward to speaking about my experience with these challenging and polarizing emotions during my pregnancy as well as what others experience all too commonly. I’m also excited to be speaking specifically at InfertileAF’s summit as their mission and this event is like none other and so important to our community.

InfertileAF™ is a revolutionary organization created to break down societal stigmas associated with infertility. We challenge our community to seek empowerment: using their stories to educate others while also focusing on their own mental wellness instead of reproductive limitations. We work to extinguish toxic comparison, encourage empathy, and eradicate demoralization by living boldly.

We are better together. We are InfertileAF

— The InfertileAF Mission

You can read more about the event along with more details about what I’ll be speaking about here.

I hope you’ll consider joining us for the summit this year.

All my best,


Desirae Whittle