Virtual Labor Support- How doulas can still help during COVID-19

relaxing mama

This is a time most of us can say we have not faced in our lifetime.

As you can imagine, being pregnant comes with thoughts, worries, and concerns you most likely hadn’t explored before. As your pregnancy sets in, physically and emotionally, you begin to consider the support you’ll want, need, and honestly deserve along this journey. You start to consider a doula, or maybe you’ve already hired one.

Then it hits: COVID-19

What does this mean for your support during your pregnancy? Will the doula you’ve hired be allowed to support you in person if you’re birthing in a hospital or birthing center? If you haven’t yet hired a doula, should you still do so? What are your options? Is virtual support one of them?


DONA International recently published this piece regarding the importance of the doula’s support, specifically during these unknown times. On March 11th, The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses posted their stance here.

Please understand as doulas we are doing everything possible to keep you, your family, and your baby(ies) safe during this unknown times. We are doing the same for ourselves. We are STILL here to support you, and now more then ever in this confusing time.

I also offer a virtual package you can learn more about here.

Never hesitate to reach out, ask all your questions, or just vent. I am always here to support you any way I can!


Desirae Whittle